State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise Belspetsvneshtechnika is the leading enterprise on the territory of the former Soviet Union specialising in export of high-tech products and knowledge-intensive military technologies.

The company started its activity since 1995 as a trade enterprise. It mainly focused on formation and expansion of military equipment and armament markets. Over a twenty-year period of its activity, the company managed to establish stable foreign trade relations in more than 30 countries.

Today, the company has significantly expanded its capabilities through the introduction of advanced technologies and the development of its own production: from the creation of up-to-date small-arms systems and optronic devices to modern informational support and command and control systems.

The successful application of innovative solutions and the introduction of state-of-the-art technologies while creating military products allows the company to dominate on specialised military equipment and armament market, as well as to compete on equal footing with foreign counterparts and even outperform them in terms of quality – reliability – cost ratio.

The ample opportunities, stability and reliability of relations with customers are determined by the status of a state enterprise and the high level of professional training of specialists.

Opening Hours


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm






Our Address:

8, Kalinovskogo St., 220103, Minsk, Belarus
