Aliter Technologies, a. s. is an integrator, developer and consulting company in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT). The company specializes in complex secure information and communication solutions:

  • Special ICT systems for armed forces, law enforcement agencies, civil protection and rescue teams
  • Data Centers, Cloud Computing
  • LAN/WAN networks

Our strengths:

  • Customized solutions maximizing customers´ ROI
  • Provision of a whole lifecycle portfolio of services and solutions
  • Application of the most modern existing technologies
  • In-house R&D program and proprietary product portfolio

Company has two production divisions, ICT Division and Special Systems Division.

ICT Divison specializes in providing services for the entire lifecycle of a solution: strategy definition, analysis of requirements, planning and designing, integration, documentation, testing and 24/7 support and maintenance.

Special Systems Division specializes in analyses, design, R&D, production and integration of specialized ICT systems, intended for support of military and non military crises management operations. The Division solutions are assigned for operations under all exposed working conditions.

Opening Hours


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm






Our Address:

Mlynské nivy 71, 82105 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
