Aliter Technologies, a. s. is an integrator, developer and consulting company in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT). The company specializes in complex secure information and communication solutions:
- Special ICT systems for armed forces, law enforcement agencies, civil protection and rescue teams
- Data Centers, Cloud Computing
- LAN/WAN networks
Our strengths:
- Customized solutions maximizing customers´ ROI
- Provision of a whole lifecycle portfolio of services and solutions
- Application of the most modern existing technologies
- In-house R&D program and proprietary product portfolio
Company has two production divisions, ICT Division and Special Systems Division.
ICT Divison specializes in providing services for the entire lifecycle of a solution: strategy definition, analysis of requirements, planning and designing, integration, documentation, testing and 24/7 support and maintenance.
Special Systems Division specializes in analyses, design, R&D, production and integration of specialized ICT systems, intended for support of military and non military crises management operations. The Division solutions are assigned for operations under all exposed working conditions.