The origin of the enterprise dates back to 1974 when a special department was set up at the the Science Research Institute of Automation Means in Minsk. Later, the department spun off as Kamerton Design Bureau, which in its turn was transformed, and on 9 March 2006 registered as KB Radar, a research and production unitary enterprise specialising in development and production of radar, electronic warfare and ELINT/SIGINT/COMINT, radio monitoring systems. As from 30 December 2010, KB Radar has the legal status of an open joint-stock company.

Radar systems

The company designs and produces mobile and stationary solid-state surveillance radars featuring high sensitivity and accuracy of coordinate determination, emission security, short set-up/tear-down time, as well as automatic radars and radar systems for detecting and tracking low-altitude aerial platforms, short-range radars providing additional radar information to radio reconnaissance and electronic warfare means.


A family of stations performing radio reconnaissance, direction finding and jamming of modern, including jam-resistant, terrestrial and aerial communication links, as well as radio reconnaissance and jamming systems based on such stations and command posts data has been developed and produced.

A great number of counter-UAV assets has been created and continues to be improved. The counter-UAV systems provide reconnaissance, threat identification, jamming or spoofing. Customers are offered a wide choice of weapon systems on different platforms.

The company’s developments in the field of electronic warfare and electronic intelligence provide an effective countering high-precision weapons and attack assets using satellite communication and satellite navigation.

Opening Hours


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm






Our Address:

24, Promyshlennaya St., 220075, Minsk