Company PROTEKTA d.o.o., Varaždin is a company for production and trade with devices, products and equipment for defence and protection from nuclear, chemical and biological (NBC) weapons in the narrow sense and for defence and protection from nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological threats and explosives in a wider sense for the needs of civil sector (industry, environment protection, security companies, scientific institutions, medical institutions…) and defence – safety and protective sector (military, police, fire brigades, civil protection and other subjects in rescue and protection system and specialized teams, units and institutions…).

Company Protekta:
– is officially registered for export and import of Military goods
– has a certificate for implementation of Internal Compliance Program (ICP) which was sponsored by U.S. Department of State Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program
– has a Facility Security Clearance Certificate (FSCC) for a NATO CONFIDENTIAL clearance and possesses storage capabilities approved for the safeguarding of classified information up to NATO CONFIDENTIAL

Organization and activities of company PROTEKTAd.o.o. provide complete information and service to our potential and future customers, but also to all well meaning experts and common citizens related to material-technical means,
equipment and devices which are used in defence and protection against weapons for mass destruction (WMD), CBRN weapons as well as all other radiological, chemical and biological agents which are a threat to modern community.

Military – police programme, system of protection and rescue programme and civil programme (environment protection, industry, food and water control, medicine) makes:

Equipment for detection and identification

  • Chemical detection
  • Biological detection
  • Radiological detection
  • Mobile laboratories
  • NBC reconnaissance vehicles
  • Integrated NBC systems for warning and reporting



Opening Hours


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm






Our Address:

Julija Merlića 7, HR-42000 Varaždin, Croatia
